Napoli Culinary

Donations To Help Our Community

Napoli Culinary Academy (NCA) is a non-profit organization that prides itself in helping the community in any way it can. For years, in addition to donating thousands of dollars in complimentary culinary classes and scholarships to many charities for their fundraising events, we give thousands of dollars in partial and full scholarships to low-income and at-risk students so that they can learn the skills they need, through our Culinary Arts Management Diploma program, in order to better their lives. Low-income and at-risk students have been graduating from our Academy for years and proceeding to open their own businesses or acquiring fantastic jobs in the culinary and hospitality industries.
We appreciate your tax-deductible (tax id# 680468576) donation to our Academy so we can continue to give back to our community by being able to offer scholarships to students in need, by offering no-cost and low-cost meals and classes to those that need it in our community and making donations to charities. To make a donation click this button above to donate to a worthy cause.
Our Academy Director, Chef Hassi Sadri, was honored with a distinguished nomination and award of the Annual DVPC Award (Domestic Violence Prevention Collaboration) - The Symbol of Service Award - by The DVPC, comprised of law enforcement representatives including the Sacramento County Sheriff’s Dept and District Attorney’s Office, government representatives, and local non-profits that have been in existence since 2003 and function as a multi-agency response dedicated to the prevention of domestic violence through Advocacy, Education and Training, Intervention, Law Enforcement, and Coordination of Resources.

Hassi Sadri along with the other honorees receiving the DVCP Award this year. (Mitch Marquez from the Elk Grove Police Dept., David Moranz/Citrus Heights Police Dept, Susan Elliot/Sacramento's District Attorney's Office, Lenore Koller/FJC Camp Hope)
Hassi Sadri standing with Paul Durenberger, Assistant Chief Deputy District Attorney, Deborah Bain, Attorney General's Office and Gina Haynes, Retired Lieutenant Sacramento Police Dept. Congratulations to Chef Hassi for this distinguished award

Hassi Sadri standing with Paul Durenberger, Assistant Chief Deputy District Attorney, Deborah Bain, Attorney General's Office
Deborah Bain from the Attorney General's Office handing Hassi Sadri the distinguished DVCP Award (Domestic Violence Collaboration Prevention). Congatulations Chef Hassi

Hassi Sadri accepting his award

For years, Napoli Culinary Academy cooked lunch twice a week for Mercy Hospital of Sacramento for the woman and children in their Woman and Children Substance Abuse Program. This program is a fantastic community program that serves the women and children in the Sacramento area, suffering from substance abuse in their lives.

For years, Napoli Culinary Academy cooked a Christmas dinner for the Mothers and Children in the community programs at Mercy Hospital of Sacramento

We provided catering to Bayside Church for their religious and community activities including their charitable work.
In addition, we also provide cooking and nutritional classes, free of charge, for at-risk kids in the Youth-For-Christ Program at Bayside Church, Granite Bay. These classes teach the at-risk children invaluable culinary skills which will assist them in future jobs and careers in the culinary field. They are taught about health and nutrition, which help them to take care of themselves and their families. These skills create job opportunities for these children so they can flourish and have successful lives and be an asset to their community. We feel that by helping these at–risk children, we are helping to keep them away from participating in drugs and crimes in our community.
We annually participate in the local Make-A-Wish Foundation, local schools, JDRF (juvenile diabetes research foundation) and many other local charity events by donating complimentary cooking classes and scholarships to be auctioned off, using the money to help the people in our community and in their organizations needing help from these fantastic foundations.

We are also in the process of organizing a program with local Foster Homes in our community to reach the youth before they are forced into human trafficking. This program will also help these kids after they are rescued from human trafficking rings by giving them full scholarships to our school so they can learn skills to be able to change their lives around and have a productive future. Sacramento is number 1 for human trafficking in the United States and we here at Napoli Culinary Academy believe that it is our duty to help these children in any way that we can.